Hoffman Research Library
The Hoffman Research Library at the Minnesota Genealogy Center is the repository for PGS-MN’s Collection of books, articles, magazines, and media items.
Before visiting the library
please check hours and availability here:
The Minnesota Genealogy Center is located at:
1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Phone: 651-330-9312
Polish Resource at the Library
A PGS-MN member will be present to answer Polish-related research questions at the Hoffman Research Library on the following days:
- First Saturday of each month, from 10 am – 4 PM
- Second Thursday of each month, from 12 PM – 6 PM
Library Holdings
PGS-MN has a unique collection of genealogical resources on Polish genealogy. To view our collection, click below:
Library Hours
The Minnesota Genealogy Center is open *:
Mondays 10 AM – 6 PM
Wednesdays 10 AM – 4 PM
Thursdays 10 AM – 6 PM
Saturdays 10 AM – 4 PM
*The center is closed if volunteers are not available; please call ahead or check Minnesota Genealogical Society’s website.
Library Visitor Information
- Free parking is in front of the building.
- WiFi is available in the library. You may bring your own computer/tablet or use one in the library. It is recommended to bring a USB drive, if you choose to use of the library computers, so you can retain documents for your research.
- Bags and purses are not allowed in the library – you will need to store them in the secure lockers provided onsite.
- The research computers include access to FamilySearch as an Affiliate Library, Ancestry Library Edition, and various other genealogy subscription websites.
- The library has microfilm and microfiche readers.
- There is a lunchroom equipped with a refrigerator and microwave for use of the library patrons.
- A copy machine is available for use; there is a minimal charge for copies.
- To view all 30,000+ of the Hoffman Library’s holdings, please visit the Library Catalog.
Library Fees
Member of PGS-MN, MGS or any branch or affiliate: FREE
Non-Members: $10 / visit
Library Donations
PGS-MN accepts material donations pertaining to Polish genealogy, history and culture. Please complete the Donation form and email to pgsminnesota@gmail.com or mail to 1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100, Mendota Heights, MN 55120.
Once your form has been received and reviewed, a PGS-MN staff member will be in contact to collect the donation.